So many of us thought 2020 was going to our year, the start of a new decade, a new era.
It’s now the beginning of July and I find myself bouncing between “what the actual fuck?!” and “I knew something like this was going to happen.”
Not that I predicted an airborne virus was going to infect the majority of the humans on Earth, or that I envisioned the beginning of a Revolution.
But so many things have been working for so long to contribute to this: overpopulation and pollution running rampant, not to mention the continued systemic racism in the United States…
We had too many negatives in our equation to add to anything of value.
Our Earth and its inhabitants are sick.
Something needed to, and certainly did, bring that to a stop.
It happened.
We watched as this mysterious virus, COVID-19, started to spread in China.
A virus so powerful it was causing people to drop dead in their tracks.
It spread to Europe where, for the first time in our lifetime, major cities were shut down and forced to quarantine.
It finally made its way to the United States where a portion of the population still believed the virus to be fake news; especially in the South.
Now, here we are about 4 months into it and the curve has not yet flattened.
In fact, it’s getting worse.
And not to mention…
Black Lives Matter protests and demonstrations have been prominent in cities and the news after more innocent lives were lost due to police brutality.
It’s definitely a heightened time to be alive.
It is a time of reflection and education.
Have you watched the news recently?
The racism still prevalent in our country is very, very real.
It makes me feel like I am on a bad acid trip.
And I am white.
There will always be a lingering pain because we cannot erase history.
This is generational trauma we are talking about.
We are only taught one side of history.
Are we being brainwashed?
I will never know the pain, struggle, and injustice of systemic racism – because I am white.
But, I will continue to educate myself through documentaries, books, and conversation –
I can help sign petitions, donate money, and share information.
I do know fear and hatred are learned.
We are born with love, and we all need it.
In order to stand strong, we need to be strongly rooted.
Rooted in love.
When you look beneath the surface, all the roots intertwine.
They all connect and they either help give life or take it away.
Can we share the nutrients of life rather than spread toxicity?

In this painting the trees are representative of people.
Each colored with various shades of skin tones, all rooted in the same soil.
Beneath the surface, they are all the same- just as we all bleed the same.
The roots represent the veins transferring the life force: love.
Each rainbow color represents love, and you can see it as it ascends up the trees.
The trees stand together in solidarity; with strength, and peace.
It’s going to take a lot of effort until we can reach that grove of grace.
But, I believe we can.
Evolution in the time of a Revolution.
I do think the majority of us are good at heart.
…And this is coming from a person with anger issues.
Peace & Love*
Stay in touch <3
* My sister Amira’s new favorite thing to say every time she exits a room.
Here are some people and organizations I like to follow:
Shaun King
Grassroots Law
Tamika Mallory
Power Shift
Documentaries/ Movies:
Just Mercy
The Hate You Give
If you would like to continue the conversation about my opinion or work as an accomplice to the Black Lives Matter movement – please reach out to me. I would love to aid the fight.