
Just a Couple of Party Animals

If you read Party Animals, then you knew a reunion with my friend Suzy was in the near future because I promised you photos of our new elephant and giraffe

When Are You Going To Grow Up?

Each July I find myself in the Gulf of Mexico with my family bay scalloping. What is bay scalloping you might ask? Well, obviously it’s how one obtains scallops for

Sunset Marsh Hoop

Movement is key for the sake of your mind and body! My favorite way to move is dance. Sometimes that dance involves a hoop. Here is some practice footage while

Party Animals

Party Animals There’s just something about an elephant doing a handstand in an 80’s music video that really sparks inspiration.  For me, truth be told, it was less of a


vul·ner·a·bil·i·ty   noun the quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally. At the start of each New Year, I